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Department of Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering Department
Duration: 4 Years Seats: 120 Seats Apply Now

About the Department

Electrical Engineering department of SRMCEM has experienced faculty members with expertise in areas, such as Power Systems and Power Electronics, Electrical Machines, Smart Grid, Communications and Networking, and Signal Processing. The range of knowledge gained during the undergraduate programme in EE is amazingly broad and versatile. Even basic exposure gives students a wide range of skills - from programming to writing reports. Even if one is studying a specific part of electrical engineering, one gets basics of almost all aspects of electrical engineering. Concept wise EE is a very inclusive branch of engineering. Studying it makes students capable of finding solutions to problems which are not strictly in their specific field of expertise. EE labs at SRMCEM are equipped with powerful computing environment and licensed software’s like, MATLAB (version 7.9) with Control system Tool Box and Simulink, AUTO CAD (Electrical), LAB View, Sci-Lab etc. Electrical engineering branch is evergreen and ever remains in vogue for employable EE graduates in both India and abroad. B.Tech degree in EE from SRMCEM not only increases employability of its students but also makes them sustain and excel amongst the best of talents in EE.

Courses Offered

  • B.Tech (EE) - (Seats: 120)

To develop as a leading department for Electrical Engineering professionals with strong values and national ethos.


  • M1: To impart quality education in Electrical Engineering with quest for high standard of learning and research.

  • M2: To develop a professional ambiance with social and national responsibilities.

  • M3: To engage in cutting edge technologies in collaboration with Industries and Research Organizations.


Prof. (Dr.) Indu Prabha Singh
Designation :HOD
Qualification : Ph.D
Email Id
Orcid id : 0000-0002-4777-7939

Prof. (Dr.) Indu Prabha Singh serves as the Head of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at SRMCEM, Lucknow, bringing over twenty-four years of rich teaching experience complemented by three years of industrial expertise. As a distinguished Fellow Member of both the Institution of Engineers (IE) and the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), alongside her senior membership with IEEE, she embodies excellence in her field. Her impact extends beyond administrative roles; Dr. Singh's tenure as a member of the Academic Council of IET, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, from 2010 to 2011, underscores her commitment to academic governance and development. Notably, her dedication to student mentorship earned her the prestigious Best Counselor award for the IEEE SRMCEM Student Branch. Demonstrating her thirst for knowledge, Dr. Singh has excelled in numerous NPTEL courses. Furthermore, she has organized two noteworthy international conferences (IC4T), authored impactful technical books, and contributed extensively to reputed national and international journals. She has contributed for MOOC Course for AKTU, which has been aired on Doordarshan “Swayam Prabha” Channel. Under her guidance, students have garnered acclaim, winning prestigious awards such as the Best Project Award at the Regional Science Centre, the Best Innovation Award at SRMU, and several accolades from UPCST and REC Sonbhadra. Her primary research interests lie in Analog Signal Processing and Current Mode Devices, where she continues to make significant contributions to the field.

Faculty Profiles :

Faculty Profile

Er. Satyendra Kumar Gupta

Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.TECH
Email Id :
Orcid id : 0000-0003-1781-7271
Er. Satyendta Kumar Gupta is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering with a total academic experience of 10 years. He is GATE qualified. He has done his B.Tech and M.Tech from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University. His areas of interest are Electrical Instrumentation, Power Plant Engineering. He has published various research papers in international and national conferences and has a good command on softwares like MATLAB, LABVIEW and PSCAD.

Er. Amit Kumar

Designation : Assistant Professor
Er. Amit Kumar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering with a total academic experience of 15 years. Hehas presented many research papers in international and national conferences. He has been appointed as Centre Controller /Observer in UPSEE and End Semester Exam by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University. He has been awarded as “Best Faculty and Letter of Appreciation”, by SRM Group Management for teaching and working in Electrical Engineering Department. His research areas are Integration of Renewable Energy, Power Electronics Converters and Micro-grid.

Er. Sandhya Shrivastava

Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.Tech
Er. Sandhya Shrivastava is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering with a total academic experience of 16 years. He has done his B. Tech from RGPV Technical University, Bhopal.M.P. and M. Tech from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow.U.P. She had reviewed papers in reputed journals. She is an Advisor of IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity group since 2020, SRMCEM, Lucknow. She is an active volunteer and organized many programs of national as well as international levels such as webinars/FDPs, /QIP/Conference. She has attended and participated in many FDPs/STTPs/Webinars/Conferences. Her areas of interest are Power electronics, Power Plant Engineering. She has published numerous research papers, Book Chapters and Books in international and national conferences and Journals. She has 4 patents publish in national level. She has a good command on softwares like MATLAB and PSCAD.

Er. Jayati Vaish

Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : M.Tech,PhD (Pursuing)
Er. Jayati Vaish is working as an Assistant Professor in Shri Ramswaroop Memorial College of engineering and Management, Lucknow since 2009. She has 9 years of techning experience. She has received M. Tech degree from IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India in 2013 and B. Tech degree from Integral University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh India. She is pursuing PhD from Amity University, Lucknow Campus, Uttar Pradesh, India. She has received the Best Project award in Electrical Engineering. She has published numerous research papers in prestigious international journals and conferences. Her area of interest includes Load Forecasting, Micro-Grid optimization, PHEV and Renewable Energy Resources.

Er. Bhupesh kumar pal

Designation : Assistant Professor
Er. Bhupesh kumar pal received his master degree in Power Electronics and ASIC design from MNNIT, Allahabad and undergraduate degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow. He is an Assistant Professor and active member in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Shri Ramswaroop Memorial College of engineering and Management, Lucknow.He has one-year industrial experience in AB power system solution, Pune, Maharashtra and teaching experience about 13 years. He has taught subjects such as Basic electrical engineering, Network System Analysis, Power Electronics, Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments etc.

Lab Superintendents:

S.No. Name
1 Mr. Ashish Sinha

Lab Instructors:

S.No. Name
1 Mr. D. D. Gupta

Lab Technicians:

S.No. Name
1 Mr. Sanjay Mishra
2 Mr. Shrikant Pandey
3 Mr. Akhilesh Kumar
4 Mr. Ramdas Shailu

Office Executives:

S.No. Name
3 Mr. krishna pal


1. Basic Electrical Engineering Lab

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab is used with the institute core course “Introduction to Electrical Engineering”. The lab has 20 fully equipped setup benches to carry out numerous fundamental experiments in Electrical Engineering. The experiments are designed to expose students to the practical executions of the fundamental theories of Electrical Engineering.

2. Electrical Machine-I :

It exposes the students to the construction, operation speed control, efficiency and performance calculation of DC machines, and provide them experimental skills. It imparts knowledge of operation of transformer with their testing (OC & SC) & calculation of efficiency of transformer. It also imparts knowledge of operation and performance of Auto-transformer.

3. Electrical Machine-II Lab

Electrical Machine Lab –II lab is meant: To expose the students to the Experimental Skills of AC machines. To impart knowledge on construction, principle of operation, speed control & knowledge on starting & performance of 1-Φ & 3-Φ Induction machines. To impart knowledge on construction, performance of salient & non-salient type synchronous generator and knowledge on principle of operation & performance of synchronous motor.

4. Power Electronics Lab

In Power Electronics Lab, we demonstrate the characteristics and triggering of thyristor (SCR), IGBT, MOSFET and Power Transistor etc. Analyze the performance of 1-Φ fully controlled & half controlled phase control rectifier (PCR) with different loads. We also demonstrate the cyclo-converter & operation of MOSFET based inverter. We develop simulation models of different power electronic circuits with the help of software (MATLAB etc)

5. Power System Lab

Power System laboratory comprises of calculation of parameters for transmission line, simulation of Ferranti effect and skin effect for transmission lines. This lab also consist study of various relay like differential relay, thermal Relay, over current relay, Instantaneous over current Relay and determination of fault current for L-G, L-L, L-L-G and L-L-L at terminals of an alternator.

6. Electrical Design & Fabrication Lab

The Mini Project Lab basically includes fabrication, Testing and Verification of various electronics based projects. The undergraduate students get to learn specification, selection of various components, and layout and fabrication part with respect to PCB Design.

7. Circuit Simulation Lab

Simulation Laboratory facility includes software and virtual platforms like MATLAB, PSPICE used for undergraduates subjects. The laboratory deals with re-creation of a real world process in a controlled environment with the help of modeling and programming.

Activities & Achievements

Faculty Achievements

S. NO. Name of Faculty Member Designation Details of Achievements Certificate Reference
1 Dr. Khadim Moin Siddiqui Associate Professor & HOD Received Best Research Paper Award in International Conference on Advances in Computational Technologies in Science and Engineering (ACTSE-21), organized by Amity School of Engineering and Technology on 19-20 March 2021.

Received Appreciation Letter for Guidance of Students in the Institutional Project Competition. My Guided students received First and Third Positions in the Institutional Project Competition.

Received Award of Appreciation for Organizing National Level Workshop on NBA Accreditation Processes and MATLAB Applications on 17th August 2018 at Guru Nanak Institute of Engineering and Management, Hoshiarpur, Punjab.
Certificate of Participation
2 Er. Satyavir Singh Asst. Professor Excellent Academic Feedback (by Students) in subject NEE-801 Electrical and Electronics Engg. Materials during academic session 2018-2019 Certificate of Participation NO.- AC/Cert./17
3 Er. Dheeraj Kumar Asst. Professor Excellent Academic Feedback (by Students) in subject KEE-401 Digital Electronics during academic session 2020-2021. Certificate of Participation NO.- AC/Cert./68
4 Anil Kumar Asst. Professor  Completed online course on DC MICROGRID of 8 weeks for the session Jul- Sep 2019 with a score of 88% and got Silver Medal from SWAYAM. Certificate of Participation

Faculty Achievements 2020-21 (Odd Semester) :

S. NO. Name of Faculty Member Designation Details of Achievements Certificate Reference
1 Prof. K.S. Singh Professor & HOD "Online workshop on Universal Human Value on the theme ""Includintg Universal Human Value in Technical Education"" during 23-27 July 2020 organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)" Certificate of Participation
2 "Mrs. Sandhya Shrivastava" Asst. Professor Recent technological advances in Power Systems and Power Electronic Drives during 27-31 July 2020. "Certificate of Participation NO.-Q7SANE-CE000113"
3 Mr. Sunil Kr. Singh Asst. Professor Online FDP on "Artificaial Intelligence" from 21-25 September 2020 "Certificate of Participation NO.-ATAL/2020/1597045978"
4 Prof. K. S.Singh Professor & HOD "Online webinar on ""Block chain and IOT"" organized by the Department of computer Science & Engineering, Kanpur Institute of Technology, Kanpur on 27 August 2020." Certificate of Participation

Webinars Conducted :

S.NO. Day & Date Topic Time Speaker Participants
1 Saturday
Internet of Things (Iot) 11:00 a.m. to 12:00p.m. Mr. Amit Tiwari
Sr. Embedded Engineer, Sofcon Lucknow
Faculty & Students
2 Saturday
Human Values 10:00 a.m. to 11:00a.m. Dr. Mohd. Tarik
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Faculty & Students

List of Medalists :

1. Ms. Jyoti Gupta
2. Ms. Tanu Singh
3. Mr. Sagar Verma
4. Ms. Prathana
5. Ms. Sama Parveen
6. Mr. Abhay Dwivedi
7. Mr. Adarsh Pratap Singh

List of Top 10 Meritorious Students in UPTU/ AKTU :

1. Mr. Vijay Kr. Tewari
2. Ms. Poorva Pandey
3. Ms. Shraddha Shukla
4. Ms. Shivangi
5. Mr. Niteesh Pandey
6. Ms. Ankita Mishra
7. Mr. Mohit chandra
8. Ms. Priya Singh
9. Ms. Mini Khandelwal
10. Ms. Sakshi Kumari
11. Ms. Shikha Somvanshi
12. Ms. Vartika Gupta
13. Ms. Vatsala Nautiyal
14. Ms. Shivani Singh
15. Mr. Rishabh Pandey
16. Ms. Apoorva Singh

List of Honors :

1. Shri Paramanand Singh, a student of EN has secured 17 th rank in UPPCS whose final result was announced in 2019 and has joined as Deputy Collector in Dist. Chandauli, UP in 2019.
2. Mr Prakhar Dixit (141221040) EN won 1st prize in speech competition on Vivekanand in Lucknow University arranged by Vivekanand Kendra Kanyakumari in Lucknow.
Mr. Gaurav Shrivastava (GATE-2019 AIR 27).

List of Research Paper :

S.No. Title of the Paper Name of conference/ Journal Name of Author
1 Review of various Artificial Intelligence Techniques and its applications International Conference on Startup Ventures: Technology Developments

and Future Strategies (SV-TDFS)


ISBN 978-81-938236-5-1
Mr Rajvardhan Jigyasu
2 A Signal Power Based Feature Extraction and Classification method using SVM for Induction Motor Faults RSRI
Conference on Materials and Computational Intelligence

3 Multiple Faults Diagnosis of Induction Motor Using ANN 2nd International Conference on Advanced Informatics for Computing Research



1865-0937 (electronic)


ISBN 978-981-13-3140-4 (eBook)
4 A Review of Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Methods for Induction Motors International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems - ICCS 2018

5 Bearing Fault Diagnosis Using Weighted K-Nearest Neighbor International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics 2018


DOI: 10.1109/ICOEI.2018.8553800
6 Bearing Fault Diagnosis using Frequency Domain Features and Artificial Neural Networks International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems 2018


ISSN 2190-3018

ISSN 2190-3026 (electronic)

ISBN 978-981-13-1746-0

ISBN 978-981-13-1747-7 (eBook)
7 Analysis on harmonic reduction of six switch converter connected to grid through photovoltaic generation. National Conference on Innovation in Electrical Engineering
8 Power Tracing in a deregulated power system: IEEE-14 bus case International journal of computer technology and applications.Vol3(3) pp.887-894 Mr Satyavir Singh
9 Impact of FACTS devices on congestion charges in LMP based market International journal of emerging technologies and advanced engineering, Vol 2(9), sep. 2012, pp. 457-462
10 Implementation of unified power flow controller for wheeling charges reduction in deregulated power system published in international journal of emerging technologies and advanced engineering Vol.3(2), feb. 2013, pp-707-714
11 Fractional FREQUENCY TRANSMISSION SYSTEM published in international journal of emerging technologies and advanced
12 Power quality improvement of grid connected variable speed wind energy conversion system Proceeding of international conference on “ Computing communication and Technology IC4 T 2016” Mr Anil Kumar and Prof. K.S. Singh
13 Role of Engineer in developing India The institute of engineer India U.P. State Lucknow Prof. K.S. Singh
14 Digital Controller Design using soft switching ZCT fourth order boost converter International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Ms. Ankita Khare
15 Protection and Energy management of Zero Net Energy Clusters of building. 4th SCES IEEE UP Section Mr. Gaurav Pandey
16 Smart DC grid for Autonomous ZNE Energy Clusters of buildings. 9th International Federation of Automatic Control, CPES IIT Delhi.
17 Internal Model based Current control for Grid Integrated Solar Photovoltaic 7th International Conference on Power System, IEEE Pune Section
18 LOSS REDUCTION METHOD IN DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering MRs. Sandhya Shrivastava
19 Solar portable charger for mobile phone device using the solar energy as a source of electric power International advance research journal in science Engineering and technology Mr Satyendra Kumar Gupta

List of Projects :

Smart Industry system through voice recognition technique and IOT

In this project Security system exploitation using micro controller and IOT has been done. The system is suitable for remotely controlling the home appliances. The system may be employed in many places like banks, hospitals etc. The project has proposed the smart industry that can support a lot of industry automation systems. A industry contain a connection between wireless communication, sensors monitoring and tracking. Smart industries are a huge that includes multiple technologies and application that can be used to provide security and control off the industry easily.

This project discussed the designed modules like sensors circuits monitoring and tracking if the industry trough IP camera mobile notifications and industry navigator.

In this project, an efficient approach for smart industry was proposed and implemented. C programming language and ATMEL AVR micro controller have been used to connect the sensors circuit to the industry and to control the IP camera.


Load Sharing of Transformer based on Micro controller

The idea of implementation of this project is that if load on one transformer is increases then the relay will sense the change in current & micro controller operates & slave transformers comes automatically in operation to share the load. The work on “Automatic load sharing of transformers” is successfully designed, tested and a demo unit is fabricated for operating three transformers in parallel to share the load automatically with the help of change over relay and relay driver circuit and also to protect the transformers from overloading and thus providing an uninterrupted power supply to the customers.

This project reduces the manual work for sharing the load of transformer. Also, provide the reliable power to the consumer by using the load, sharing of the transformer with another transformer, it increases the efficiency of the system. Using provide the solution for the fault on the line and continues electricity provide to urn the loads. This will have done automatically. Increase the life of the transformer and to make the system efficient.


Automated Library System with help of Robotic arm

This project will provide better service at input as well as output of library, in more elaborate form you have to just select the book at book issue counter book will come automatically to your end. This would reduce the user efforts and save time, in this project we will implement practical knowledge of mechanical engineering. The goal of his project, library automation is tho automatically issue books and important fact is that it provides security against theft.

Mobile operated robotic mopper:

The product thus developed is fully operational and gives desired motion. It is being tested in a room which results in successful outcome. The scrubber design should be modified in future because the current design has few problems. Few of those are the motor is not detachable and the high rpm leads to vibration of the whole system. If these features will be modified, this will work well.

Bluetooth module helps to enhance its performance by proper communication between user and robot. Moreover in certain scenario, it is necessary for the robot to run more than once through the floor to ensure complete cleaning. Also future researches and updates can be ensured to keep the robot developed by more efficient path routing method and research on using other sensors for detecting waste and obstacles can be able to bring more improvising too. Also, automatic charging process using wireless can be implemented as well as the advancement in speed change mechanism.



This project is designed to provide a soft and smooth start to a 3 phase induction motor. The three phase induction motor during the initial starting condition draws up much higher current than its capacity and the motor instantly reaches the full speed. This results in a mechanical jerk and high electrical stress on the windings of the motor. Sometimes the windings may get burnt. The induction motor should start smoothly and gradually catch up the speed for a safer operation. This project is designed to give a soft start to the induction motor based on the SCR firing triggered by heavily delayed firing angle during starting and then gradually reducing the delay till it reaches zero voltage triggering. This results in low voltage during start and then gradually to full voltage. Thus the motor starts slowly and then slowly picks up to full speed. This project consists of a six anti-parallel SCRs, two for each phase, the output of which is connected to a set of lamps representing the coils of a 3 phase induction motor Output from the comparators is fed through opto-isolators to trigger the SCRs.

Further the project can be enhanced by using IGBTs in place of SCRs with PWM control to reduce harmonic distortions often encountered in SCR triggering mechanism.



This thesis induces comparative analysis of DC-DC Boost Converters in which we compare two DC-DC boost converters. One with transformer and other without transformer and conclude that output voltage obtained from converter with transformer is approximately two times of output voltage obtained in converter without transformer and it also has high powerr rating. But the drawback of DC-DC Boost Converter with transformer is losses is more in this converter due to presence of transformer and hence has an efficiency of approximately 92.5% which is low as compare to DC-DC Boost converter without transformer which transformer which has an efficiency of approximately 98.5%.

From the simulation results it is found that in case of the boost converters, the desired output voltages can be obtained by selecting proper values of inductor, capacitor and switching frequency. All of these individual theories were difficult for anyone to grasp primarily and putting them collectively in the simulator which was extremely puzzling. But it has been done most excellent to formulate an outstading scheme dissertation with affluent in its contest. At each stage, targets were set to acquire the necessary skills to meet the criteria of the research and design the circuits for implementation into the software simulation. This research gives the opportunity to study new skills and raise valuable knowledge in circuit designing and problem solving skills which has greatly enriched knowledge and understanding through the erudition route which may help one in for the further progression.



We have successfully met our design goals and demonstrated autonomous flight. The main objective of this was to model and control a quadrotor prototype, having a tri axis accelerometer and a compass as its sensors. In the first phase of this, objectives were defined for the quadrotor design, and based o them a study was carried out on the electronics that would be part of the aircraft. This analysis resulted in the construction of a quadrotor capable of achieving a flight. Knowing the characteristics of our quadrotor, we proceeded to the modeling of the aircraft’s dynamics for implementation of the resulting equations in a computer simulation environment. Thus, we found that the system is completely controllable when all states are available. Joystick and the quadrotor’s control unit, the Arduino. Unfortunately, the quadrotor displayed an unstable behavior, It was assumed that the lackof inclusion of the Pulse Width Modulation signal resolution in the simulations could be the reason why this instability had not been foreseen. After introducing this new element in the simulation, we found nevertheless that the controller could still drive the system to the intended reference, although with a little more difficulty. This information led us to analyze the noise comingfrom the sensors with the motors running, which proved to be the source of the problem. All the work done so far shows only that there are several aspects of the control process that need to be corrected/improved in order to make a controlled flight for this prototype possible. In particular, the inclusion of 3 gyroscopes (one for each axis of rotation) should be considered, which together with the tri-axis accelerometer, form a combination of sensors that has already been tested in quad rotors, allowing for very good control over its pitch and roll angles. The idea is that with gyroscopes we can determine orientation,but they drift over time (long-term errors), which is something we can correct with accelerometers (short-term errors, i.e. They are very noisy). But even the, we would need something else to correct the drifting yaw angle from the gyroscope, which could be done with a magnetic compass. The long-term idea is that adding a greater number of sensors, in addition to those duggested, can only improve the quality and quantity.

It would also be interesting to develop the simulations further by including new elements such as aerodynamic forces (i.e. Wind), collisions and other types of control methods, such as Proportional Derivative controllers. The quadrotor prototype should also be taken to an outside environment to see its performance tested under more extreme conditions.


Workshops :

1. Smart HMI based Industrial Automation
2. Unicon PLC Automation
3. Industrial Control Network

Industrial Visits :

1. Haidergarh Sugar Mill Barabanki
2. Vrindavan Bottlelling Plant, Barabanki
3. Rosa Power Plant Shahjahanpur
4. UPPTCL, 400 KV substation Unnao, UP
5. Amul Milk Products, Lucknow

Guest Lectures :

1. Power Plant Engineering by Er. Gyan Chand, DGM at Baghauli Sugar and Distillery, Hardoi
2. Simulation Based Techniques by Mr. Anurag Banoudha Director, Ebrains Techno Solutions PVT. LTD. Lucknow
3. Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution System in UP by Prof. K. S. Singh HOD EN & EE Department SRMCEM, Lucknow.
4. Advancement in Power Electronics, by Mr. Vijay Kumar Tewari, Assistant Professor Rajkiya Engineering College Kannauaj,
5. Network Analysis and use of Control Sytem, by Mohammed Waris Senan, Asstt. Professor, JIT, Barabanki will conduct the Guest Lecture on above topic.
6. Machine Learning Algorithms in Identification of Power Quality Events, conducted by Prof. Dr. Stuti Shukla Datta, Professor Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Amity School of Engineering, Lucknow.
7. Solar PV design on MATLAB / Hardware Specification, conducted by Mr. Anand Kumar Maurya Embedded Engineer, Sofcon Lucknow.

Time Table

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S.NO Name of Faculty Subject Topic URL

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