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SWAYAM –NPTEL Local chapter is opened in SRMCEM on 23rd May, 2018. Since then direct link is established between college and SWAYAM. Er. A. K. Rathore, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering is appointed as SPOC (Single point of contact) to look after the affairs/ problems related to enrollment, registration and certification for the SWAYAM courses. SWAYAM comprises of nine national coordinators like AICTE, NIOS, NITTTR, IIMB, NPTEL, IGNOU, CEC, NCERT and UGC and offers 500 plus courses. The local chapter opens the window for all Faculty, staff and students to all these courses.

The local chapter looks after the promotion and awareness activities of SWAYAM-NPTEL courses by advertising it on college boards, WhatsApp group, websites etc. Its role is to provide access to SWAYAM courses to all. It helps students to resolve their problems locally by imparting information related to enrollment for courses, registration for exam and the certification for the courses. It also helps students about their fee related problems experienced during registration for exam. It also helps students by doing mentor addition to the course. With all the above related activities, it caters to build a bridge between digital divide of the user and SWAYAM.

SWAYAM Local Chapter coordinator, SRMCEM : Er. A. K. Rathore, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Several students are benefitted by the local chapter. The list is provided about the number of participants who are benefitted.

NPTEL SWAYAM successfully qualified candidates Jan _April 2021